January 17, 2010

Check us out on ETSY

Ovilove Creations is now on ETSY!

Etsy is in progress. There are no items up yet but hopefully soon.


January 12, 2010

Body Suits

Body Suits

It's just my opinion, but nothing screams baby like a body suit with snaps. I can't be the only one seeing as that I have a friend who always calls on me to create one when she has a "pink themed" baby shower to attend. These make great little gifts for that special friend who deserves a gift as unique as his or her baby girl.
Each item is one of a kind. These have a combination of hand stitching, satins, chenille and vintage fabrics. Some even have bum ruffles and who doesn't like bum ruffles?
Fun, Fun, Fun!

more body suits

Add Image...more snappies!

Pant Sets

Pant Sets

Just a few examples of Pant Sets that have been created for sweet babies in the past.


Ovilove actually started with the creation of one tank. Summer wouldn't be complete without them and layering them with a long sleeved t-shirt keeps them working long into the winter. Doesn't get any better than that! Of all the items that I create the TANK is my favorite. Add a ruffle on the bottom and I like it even better. Little girls and ruffles just go hand in hand.

tanks, tanks and more tanks