November 27, 2009

Whooooo Whooooo is the most precious and yummy baby ever???
Mine of course, but now that she is older
{and a bit more sassy at times} I'll go with baby Haydn. She is quite possibly one of the sweetest babies I've ever been around.

Perhaps I'm partial. After all she is the munchkin of one of my best friends who just so happens to be the other half of the two hip moms of Ovilove.
Haydn's mom.... well she is the brains and I'm the brawn. What is that song? "I've got the brains you've got the looks, lets make lots of money...." Only better because we both have the looks....giggle, giggle....snort. Just teasing!!

Without her I really would be lost with this whole thing. She truly is a creative souls' compass. She keeps me on track when I have an artsy moment........and believe me I have LOTS of those. :)

I just love owls and when I was asked to make a pant set for precious Haydn I knew an owl would be perfect. I decided on making one in pink and one in blue.
A girl has got to have options, right? Haydn decided on Pink since she just looks so good in that color.

By the looks of that smile OWL be willing to bet that Haydn loves owls as much as I do.

November 24, 2009

Peace Out

This tank is on a sassy little 2 year old pip squeak. If only she could attend a UN convention, she could convince the 'powers that be' to disarm.
Peace, please!